This publication describes Goss's bacterial wilt and blight symptoms, describes disorders commonly confused with the disease, and recommends management strategies.
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Each year, plant pathologists around the North Central region coordinate their efforts to document disease-related losses in corn yields across the region. This publication documents the impact of major diseases on co More...
In recent years, high-clearance fertilizer application equipment make it feasible to apply nitrogen (N) fertilizer to corn later in the growing season. This publication explores the potential uses of late-season N app More...
Although generally considered a "tropical disease", southern rust can occur in important corn production areas of the United States and Canada. This publication describes the symptoms and signs of southern rust, how t More...
When it comes to cover crops, there are a lot of facts myths about weed, insect, and disease management. This publication provides basic information about using cover crops in your cropping system. The publication was More...
This item is intended only for extension offices or businesses who want to hand out copies at meetings. When it comes to cover crops, there are a lot of facts myths about weed, insect, and disease management. This pu More...
Although only recently identified in the United States, bacterial leaf streak has been confirmed in several states. This publication examines what we know about the disease. The publication was created by the Crop Pro More...
Fungicide resistance in field crops is a growing problem across the Corn Belt. This publication answers some frequently asked questions about how fungicide resistance develops and how you can manage it. The publicatio More...
Although agronomic crops do not require pollinators to produce a crop, foraging bees are extremely likely to pass over or near agronomic crop fields in Indiana and states with similar cropping practices. As a result, More...
Tar spot of corn (caused by the fungus Phyllachora maydis) was first confirmed in the United States in 2015. In 2018, a yield-reducing epidemic of tar spot occurred in northern Indiana and in surrounding states. Follo More...
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Research has shown that certain grasses can be hosts for the bacterium that causes Goss's bacterial wilt and leaf blight of corn (commonly known as Goss's wilt). This publication describes how to identify Goss's wilt More...
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More...This is the third year that plant pathologists around the North Central region have coordinated their efforts to document disease-related losses in corn yields across the region. This publication documents the impact More...
This is the second year that plant pathologists around the North Central region have coordinated their efforts to document disease-related losses in corn yields across the region. This publication documents the impact More...
Format: PDF.
Pages: 2.
More...Studies have demonstrated that the nitrogen (N) status of a corn crop can be determined by measuring the nitrate concentrations in the lower portions of cornstalks at the end of the growing season. Evaluation of the t More...
Getting the correct amount of Nitrogen needed for optimal corn yields can be difficult. However, using a chlorophyll meter can help determine the amount of Nitrogen a corn plant has been able to accumulate. This publi More...
Nitrogen fertilizer is essential for profitable corn yields, but is also a major production cost and can contribute to environmental degradation. This publication provides information about soil nitrate tests, collect More...