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Lawn & Garden

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Animal Damage Management: Woodchucks

Animal Damage Management: Woodchucks

Woodchucks are common throughout Indiana, and their extensive burrowing can cause severe damage. This publication shows readers how to identify woodchucks, the damage they can cause, and the ways you can control them.

Animal Damage Management: Woodpeckers

Animal Damage Management: Woodpeckers

There are 21 woodpecker species in the United States, seven of which live in Indiana. This publication shows readers how to identify woodpeckers, the damage they can cause, and the ways you can control them.

Asian Lady Beetles

Asian Lady Beetles

Lady beetles or 'ladybugs' are not always considered beneficial insects, worthy of protection. With the appearance of literally thousands of annoying and smelly lady beetles, flying and crawling inside a home or ...



This publication discusses the identification of bats, their biology and behavior, controlling a nuisance bat colony, and controlling the occasional bat in a building. ...

Black Flies: Biology and Public Health Risk

Black Flies: Biology and Public Health Risk

Black flies, known also as "buffalo gnats" and "turkey gnats," are very small, robust flies that are annoying biting pests of wildlife, livestock, poultry, and humans. Their blood-sucking habits also raise concerns about...

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bees

Large black bees hovering around and drilling holes into homes, out-buildings, wooden furniture and decks during May and June are carpenter bees. They resemble, and are often mistaken for bumble bees but the most apparen...



This publication discusses the identification, biology, behavior, and control of chipmunks. ...

Cicada Killers

Cicada Killers

Cicada killers are large, ominous looking wasps that evoke a good deal of fear among people. They look like a giant hornet or huge yellow-jacket and are somewhat aggressive....

Common Tree and Shrub Pests of Indiana

Common Tree and Shrub Pests of Indiana

Provides photos and brief descriptions of various tree and shrub insect pests.

Format: PDF.

Pages: 2.

Language: English.


Invasive Plant Species Fact Sheets: Poison Hemlock

Invasive Plant Species Fact Sheets: Poison Hemlock

This threepage fact sheet in the Invasive Plant Series provides information on identifying and controlling this poisonous weed. The publication, produced in partnership with the Southern Indiana Cooperative Weed Manageme...

Landscape & Ornamentals: Japanese Beetles in the Urban Landscape

Landscape & Ornamentals: Japanese Beetles in the Urban Landscape

Japanese beetle infestations are found in rural and urban areas throughout Indiana. This publication describes Japanese beetle habits and how to control them in lawns, ornamentals, and food plants.


Living with Insects Blog

Living with Insects Blog

The author uses this blog in conjunction with a class as a forum for exploring all subjects touching upon insects and arthropods. Comments are encouraged, but moderated, to encourage a thoughtful community. The author, J...

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

This resource covers the cause, transmission, and biology of lyme disease. It also has a diagram on tick removal....

Mechanical Damage to Trees: Mowing and Maintenance Equipment

Mechanical Damage to Trees: Mowing and Maintenance Equipment

One of the most dangerous pests of trees is humans, especially humans with equipment. Lawn mowers and weed trimmers can cause injuries that create a hazard when an injury leads to tree disease or death. This publication ...



Learn more about the Eastern moles and the star-nosed mole, which are the two species of moles found in Indiana. This publication highlights topics such as the biology and behavior of moles, nests and runways for moles a...

Mosquitoes In and Around the Home

Mosquitoes In and Around the Home

Information in this publication covers where and how mosquitoes develop. It provides suggestions for elimination of mosquito breeding places and control around the home....

Mud Daubers

Mud Daubers

A number of different solitary wasps reside in or around homes, yards, and gardens. Because of their frequent associations with humans, these insects often evoke a great deal of anxiety. However, solitary wasps very rare...

Pesticide Use on Potatoes Grown in Indiana

Pesticide Use on Potatoes Grown in Indiana

Potatoes, like many vegetable crops, compete with weeds for moisture, sunlights, and nutrients and are attacked by a wide variety of diseases and insects. Most commercial potato growers rely largely on herbicides, fungic...



This publication discusses problems caused by pigeons, their biology and behavior, and methods to control them. ...

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

This publication describes how to identify poison ivy, provides treatment options for those who come in contact with the foliage, and offers control options.

Format: PDF.


Protecting Pollinators: Recommended Indiana-native Plants for Attracting Pollinators

Protecting Pollinators: Recommended Indiana-native Plants for Attracting Pollinators

This publication provides a list of recommended plants that homeowners and others can use to establish and conserve effective pollinator habitats in Indiana - from small-scale backyard improvements to large-scale plan...

Protecting Yourself from Wildlife Diseases: Raccoon Roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis)

Protecting Yourself from Wildlife Diseases: Raccoon Roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis)

Roundworms are parasitic organisms that live in the intestines of animals (including humans). The raccoon roundworm lives in the intestines of raccoons. The roundworm survives by feeding on nutrients that the raccoon has...

Social Bees and Wasps

Social Bees and Wasps

Information in this resource covers the characteristics and control of honey bees, bumble bees, paper wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets....

Solitary Bees and Wasps: Carpenter Bee, Cicada Killer and Mud Daubers

Solitary Bees and Wasps: Carpenter Bee, Cicada Killer and Mud Daubers

Information in this resource covers the characteristics and control of carpenter bees, cicada killers, and mud daubers. ...

Stinging Insects and Medical Risk

Stinging Insects and Medical Risk

This publication discusses the stinging insects and the medical risks associated with their venoms. Stinging insects belong to the insect order Hymenopera, the group...

The Biology and Medical Importance of Ticks in Indiana

The Biology and Medical Importance of Ticks in Indiana

This resource covers the biology of Indiana ticks. Graphics on tick removal and life cycles along with tick habitats are shown in this publication....

The Biology of Indiana Mosquitoes

The Biology of Indiana Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are well known as annoying biting pests and vectors of disease-causing agents to humans and other animals. This publication examines mosquito biology, mosquito-borne diseases, methods of personal protection, a...

Ticks - Biology and Their Control

Ticks - Biology and Their Control

Describes the habits of the two kinds of ticks commonly found in Indiana. Discusses measures that campers and hikers can take to protect themselves from ticks. Provides suggestions for outdoor and indoor tick control and...

Turfgrass Insect Management

Turfgrass Insect Management

This publication provides property owners and turfgrass management professionals with basic information to: (1) properly identify the most common turfgrass insect pests of Indiana and adjacent states, (2) recognize inse...

Weed Control for the Garden and Landscape

Weed Control for the Garden and Landscape

This publication discusses precautions, label clearance, walks, patios, drives, and vegetable gardens. Tables are included listing the non-selective and selective weed killers, vegetables, fruits and nuts, flowering an...

West Nile Virus in Indiana

West Nile Virus in Indiana

This resource discusses the symtoms and how West Nile Virus is transmitted. Life cycles and breading sites are shown in this publication too....