- Education Store - Purdue Extension

Education Store

Purdue Extension

Critical Issues in Agriculture Webinars

Join faculty experts Allan Gray, Mike Boehlje and Scott Downey as they address critical issues in agriculture: where the industry is headed, what large growers want and need and how to best communicate value to your customer. These sessions, recorded at the National Conference for Agribusiness, showcase Purdue faculty's insight on today's most crucial ag issues. Buy all three videos for a discounted price. The three video webinars are:
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Your farm customers are facing a future that is less prosperous than it has been, and that's something you need to understand in order to best serve them. In this online webinar, professor Mike Boehlje shares the perspectives and concerns of farmers who face an uncertain future. He discusses what the next few years loo...
alternate text here Product Code: EC-780-WR
Allan Gray, professor and director of Purdue's Center for Food and Agricultural Business, talks with two farmers in this online webinar to explore the needs, desires and motivations of today's large commercial producers. How do these producers measure success? What challenges do they face in their business, and how do...

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